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Introducing New Colgate Orabase® Soothe-N-Seal™

Introducing New Colgate Orabase® Soothe-N-Seal™

Product Uses Breakthrough Technology to Ease Pain of Millions of Canker and Mouth Sore Sufferers

CANTON, Mass. (May 31, 2001) - There's good news for the more than 40 million canker and mouth sore sufferers in the U.S.(1). A breakthrough new product that is clinically proven to stop mouth pain immediately is now available at retailers nationwide.

Research shows that most canker sore sufferers just grin and bear the pain - believing that there is nothing they can do to feel better or to speed the healing(2). But now new Colgate Orabase® Soothe-N-Seal™ canker and mouth sore treatment is bringing breakthrough medical technology straight from the Emergency Room to the shelves of local drug stores and supermarkets to treat this painful condition.

Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a subsidiary of the Colgate-Palmolive Company, has announced the introduction of new Colgate Orabase Soothe-N-Seal. Colgate Orabase Soothe-N-Seal uses the same patented bioadhesive technology licensed from Closure Medical Corporation that is currently used in hospitals as an alternative to traditional sutures for wound closure. This medical adhesive technology has proven to be effective in reducing patient trauma and scarring, and in eliminating the need for stitches and their removal.

Colgate Orabase Soothe-N-Seal is clinically proven to stop mouth pain immediately upon application. It works by sealing off the nerve endings and creating a protective barrier over the affected area -- allowing you to eat and drink normally without experiencing further irritation. As it seals, the liquid transforms to a thin, yet strong barrier that stays in place for up to six hours, promoting natural healing. Colgate Orabase Soothe-N-Seal is the first product of its kind to receive market clearance from the FDA for over-the-counter use.

"We are hoping to revolutionize the oral pain relief category with the introduction of new Colgate Orabase Soothe-N-Seal," said Nick Vinke, President of Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals. "The patented unique technology instantly reduces the pain associated with the symptoms of canker and mouth sores by bonding directly with the oral tissue. This protects the area from further irritation and gives it time to heal."

With 40 million people suffering from canker sore irritations, there are a lot of potential consumers for this product. Currently, the oral pain relief category has dollar sales of $168 million and of those sales, the canker and gum treatment segment is $75 million and growing at 12.5 percent(3). However, research shows that only 30 percent of the canker sore sufferers currently purchase over-the-counter remedies, providing a significant opportunity for Colgate Orabase Soothe-N-Seal to bring these sufferers into the category(4).

In addition to offering relief to millions of canker sore sufferers, people who wear dentures or orthodontic appliances can benefit from this product since they frequently suffer from mouth irritation as well. Currently there are 9.7 million denture wearers and four to six million consumers who have orthodontic appliances.

Colgate Orabase Soothe-N-Seal started shipping to food, drug and mass merchandisers nationwide in May 2001. It will retail for $9.99. New advertising from Sudler & Hennessey, a division of Young & Rubicam, begins in June 2001. An extensive dental professional and pharmacist plan, including detailing of health professionals and strong Internet support, is in place to drive professional recommendations as well as consumer awareness and education. For more information on the product, visit www.ColgateProfessional.com.

Based in Canton, Massachusetts, Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is the worldwide professional oral care products subsidiary of the Colgate-Palmolive Company. The company offers a wide range of dental office products such as Colgate Platinum Whitening Systems as well as prescription brand leaders in home Fluoride treatments under the PreviDent name, and Chlorhexidine rinse under the Periogard name. Over-the-counter products marketed by COP in addition to Orabase, include Peroxyl Oral Cleanser, Colgate Total Dental Floss, Fluorigard Fluoride Rinse and Viadent Advanced Care Rinse and Paste for severe plaque and gingivitis.

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(1) Oral Health in America: A Report of the Surgeon General , 2000
(2) Consumer Omnibus Study, 1999
(3) AC Nielsen All Outlets 12/00
(4) Consumer Omnibus Study, 1999