Tacoma Girl Scout Troop Wins Top National Grand Prize For Best Community Service Project
The announcement was made in New York today by cast members of the popular Fox Television Network Series "Beverly Hills 90210." Series stars Ian Ziering, Luke Perry, Lindsay Price and Vincent Young also served as this year's celebrity judging panel for the program, which encourages community responsibility in young people.
The Troop's project topped all Girl Scout entries from throughout the nation, earning them a $1,000 first prize. Their project also was voted "Best of all Entries," earning them an additional $1,000 bonus prize.
Troop Leader Joan Milasich said, "Our girls were learning about domestic violence and took a tour of a local emergency shelter. They noticed that an outdoor playground there was virtually empty. Our girls tried to imagine children with nothing to play with at such a difficult period in their lives, and they decided to get involved."
Members of the troop researched designs, solicited materials and attended classes to learn how to safely use power tools. After completing the project and collecting items to fill the playhouse, they also beautified the surrounding grounds and fixed a walkway leading to the structure.
Members of six national youth organizations (Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the U.S.A., Camp Fire Boys and Girls, Girls Incorporated, 4-H Club and Boys and Girls Clubs) are invited to enter their best community service projects in the annual campaign. Cash grants are awarded for the best projects from each of the organizations.
To date, Colgate-Palmolive Company has awarded more than $5.5 million to America's young people through "Youth for America." The program has been honored by The White House under five different administrations, has received a Freedoms Foundation Award and has been praised each year by members of Congress, countless governors and mayors throughout the nation.
In discussing the 27th annual campaign, the program's Executive Director, Jennifer Marcus Barbara, commented, "Youth for America puts special young people in the spotlight for their positive efforts toward improving their world. It recognizes and rewards their creative solutions to the problems in their communities. Hopefully it also inspires others to follow their lead and get involved in service programs in their hometowns."
Entry forms for the 28th annual "Youth for America" campaign will be available this fall through local offices of the six national youth organizations, or by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Colgate Youth for America, P.O. Box 1058, FDR Station, New York, NY 10150-1058. Visitors to the Colgate-Palmolive web site, www.colgate.com, can click on "Youth Activities" for further details, view a complete list of winners and print an entry form for the upcoming competition.
David Forman (212) 736-0564 or e-mail fcw001@aol.com
Jennifer Barbara (212) 310-3481 or e-mail jennifer_barbara@colpal.com